Membership Form PrefixMr.Mrs.Ms.Mx.MissDr.Prof.First Name *Middle NameLast Name *AOCRA Number & Expiry *Home Address *Email Address *Phone Number *Date of Birth *Gender *Next of Kin *Relationship *Are you a Competent Swimmer? *Note: To meet AOCRA safety requirements, each club is required to ensure member swimming competency through certification or testingDo you suffer from any medical conditions? *MessagePlease discuss it with the club’s head coach and team manager and please list all medical conditions and all pre-existing conditions and injuries such as asthma, heart condition, blood pressure, diabetes, etc.0 / 180Do you have a current WA jet ski or boating licence? *SelectYesNoAre you a Level 1 Outrigger Coach? *SelectYesNoWhat is your Certificate Number? *Occupation *Are you transferring from another AOCRA Club? *SelectYesNoPrevious Club *Joined memberships? *SelectAOCRAPaddle WABothBoat storage request? *SelectYesNoMembership Type *SelectJuniorSeniorSocialAssociateDECLARATION *I certify that all information on this form is correct at the time of completion. I agree to become a full member of Hurricane Paddling Crew and to be bound by the Constitution, By-laws, Rules & Articles.PARENT LEGAL GUARDIAN CONSENTI agree to my child becoming a member of Hurricane Paddling Crew(if under 18)Please provide parental or guardian name and phone number *MEDIA RELEASE *I accept the Hurricane Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy.Date * Send